Type a permalink or permalink number ( rrc#### or####) for an artifact or paste an rpc: or https: link to it in the Search field in the workbench to open that artifact in an editor. 对一个工件输入permalink或者permalink号码(rrc或者)或者粘贴rpc:或https:链接到工作台Search区域中的工件上,以在编辑器中打开该工件。
Paste this link onto the body of a new memo using the Ctrl+ V hotkey. 使用热键Ctrl+V将链接粘贴到新备忘录(memo)主体上。
Click Paste to insert an embedded object, or click Paste link to insert a link to the object. 单击“粘贴”插入嵌入的对象,或单击“粘贴链接”插入指向对象的链接。
{ The paste link failed.} Internal links are not allowed when the Ignore Remote Requests option in the Links dialog box is selected. {粘贴链接失败。}链接对话框中的忽略远程申请选项被选定时,不允许链接。
Paste from the clipboard a link to data in another application. 从剪贴板中粘贴一个连接到其它应用程序的数据。
{ An unexpected error occurred with the paste link operation.} {粘贴链接操作发生未预期的错误。}
To enable this command, paste a link into the active presentation. 要激活该命令,请在当前演示文稿中贴入链接的对象。
Another handy feature in Chrome, and that one that isn't duplicated in Firefox ( not out of the box, anyway) is the ability to paste a link and go directly to it without ever hitting the Enter key. Chrome拥有而Firefox中暂时没有的一个很使用的功能就是直接粘贴连接并转到,而不需要再敲回车键。
{ Paste link failed.} Cannot connect to server. {粘贴链接失败。}无法连接服务器。
Cannot paste a link into a pivottable. 数据透视表上不能粘贴链接。
For these reasons, we do not allow copy and paste of a large chunk of information from internet. However, you are welcomed to provide a link for readers'reference. 在此我们郑重声明:坚决杜绝大篇幅粘贴网络中找到的资料,但你可提供链接供读者参考。
{ The paste link failed.} Badly-defined link format. {粘贴链接失败。}链接格式无效。
You then need to follow the instructions for your particular news reader to subscribe to a new service, and paste this link into your news reader. 然后你必须遵循你的特定新闻阅读器的指示以订阅新的服务,并将这一链接粘贴到你的新闻阅读器。